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Jambu Di Halaman Rumah
Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009
Katak bertanduk sumatera

Megophrys nasuta (Schlegel, 1858)
Megophrys nasuta from Curup, Rejang land, Bengkulu province, Sumatera Indonesia
Known as Kekek Betanduk in Rejang Land, this frog was discribe for first time by Schlegel in year 1858. He report about distribution in Borneo, Sumatera and peninsular malaya. But recently it is rare to find in nature. In taxonomy Schlegel named this frog as Malayan Horned Frog or Megophrys nasuta as ID. Synonim with Megophrys Montana. In Rejang Land many Amphibia need to research and make check list for inventaritation, but this way nobody do yet, so need hard work to tell the world about how rich biodiversity flora and fauna in rejang land.
Megophys nasuta have specific features that are different from other types of toads. The ‘horn’ is very wide and pointed, with triangular projection from the edge of both eyelids. The hind legs are shorter than the front legs and normally males are substantially smaller than females. The colour is light clay to reddish red with one or two dark spots on the back. Using its leaf-like appearance for camouflage, the Horned Toad is virtually undetectable in the leaf litter of the forest unless it moves. The animal is perfectly designed to fit in with its surrounding.
The Horned Toad lives in flat to steep rain forest where thick bamboo grows and the area is damp and cool. It is commonly found throughout Borneo, Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia. This frog have registered at IUCN red list 2009 as LC status and can read at link. Other picture or information about this frog can read in this blog at link and link. Admin
Photo by Andy Armanda
Reference :
Related Posts : Amphibia
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Skitai (Tosena depicta sumatera)

Tosena depicta sumatra (Cicadidae) From Rejang Land Sumatera
Tosena Depicta Dist. 1917
This is beautifull, medium black, orange and white cicada, and very loud singer. This photo taken at air Lanang Village, Rejang Land, South West Sumatera, at high tree.
Photo by :Curup kami
Location : Air lanang village, rejang land, SW Sumatra Island.
For comparison, at below is good quality photo of Tosena depicta (borneo) from Cracker Range National Park, malaysia by yakovlev alexey.
Reference :
Page 18,
Rejang Glimpse , theme of fashion designer
In the middle of domination fashion trend of bright colors, Ian Adrian comes with a different concept of clothing. White with black accents in a choice collection themed 'Rejang Glimpse' is inspired from the sunlight entering through the midst Rejang area custom homes (Old Rejangese traditional house), Rejang Land, Part of Bengkulu Province recently, Sumatra, Indonesia.
White color is selected to show the effect of women's feminine, modern and free spirited.
Crystal detail, payet, manik stitches and variations such as smok, opnesel and beautify plisket clothing with a unique cutting.
The collection is dominated soft materials such as cut silk chiffon combined with cotton, silk tulle and organdy in a single design. Overall, this design looks clean, but the rich stress.
Ian also added a corsage, displaying the time this not only as accessories, but the view from the clothing itself.
Pompelon marginata glenum from rejang land, Sumatra
This diurnal Zygaenid moth, Pompelon marginata has electric blue wings covering red underpart that shows proudly only when it flies. This signals its toxicity - it is a cyanogenic moth - manufacturing and storing the respiratory toxin hydrogen cyanide. Caterpillars of Zygaenid moths feed on cyanide containing plants and then went on to manufacture more on their own, exuding them in form of a yellow brown liquid form along its body when disturbed. Many species carry this toxin to their adulthood.
Fisrt time discribe as Pompelon marginata (Guerin, 1843), and than discribe subspecies found at south west sumatra (Rejang land present at south west sumatra) as Pompelon marginata glenum (Jordan 1907)
G.M Tarmann (A revision of Australian Zygaenidae) mentioned an interesting account in 1959 whereby a lady named Miriam Rothschild exposed 2 drops of such brown liquid on an open needle wound on her forearm. This liquid was obtained from a Burnet Moth, a relative from the temperate climate. This is what he said: "Almost immediately, sensations of breathlessness occured, associated with sweating and rapid pulse rate that increased to 120-130 beats per minute." The symptom persisted for several hours.
Taxonomy :
Regnum: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Classis: Insecta
Divisio: Neoptera
Ordo: Lepidoptera
Subordo: Glossata
Infraordo: Heteroneura
Divisio: Ditrysia
Section: Tineina
Subsection: Sesiina
Superfamilia: Zygaenoidea
Familia: Zygaenidae
Subfamilia: Chalcosiinae
Genus: Pompelon
Species: Pompelon marginata Guérin-Meneville 1843
Subspecies : Pompelon marginata Glenum (Jordan 1907)
Credit Photo : Cucu Yudhistira & Romi Widodo,
Location : Kampung Jawa, Curup, Rejang land, Sumatra, Indonesia
Jumat, 31 Juli 2009
Situs Batu Badak Rhinocerous Sumatra Stone Site

Situs Batu Badak
Rhinocerous Sumatra Stone Site
Oleh Tun jang
Stories begin from folklore, a legend from south sumatra region. This is one of the impressions rejangese folk tale "The bitter tongue", or Si pet Lideak (Rejang Language) from Rejang land folk tale. Another impressions this folk tale story can find at Batu belarik village, located at kepahiang regency, in rejang land. In this area we found Stone park or Buteu Belarik in Rejang language.
Rhinoceros Stone, a stone appearance look like Rhinoceros Sumatra.
Batu Badak. Batu yang menyerupai Badak Sumatra.
Dari kisah legenda cerita rakyat sumatra bagian selatan, inilah salah satu jejak kisah si Si pahit Lidah di tanah rejang. Jejak lain kisah ini ada di desa batu belarik, bagian tanah rejang di kabupaten kepahiang.
Can be reach easily from the road, megalith sites are located in side street, in the village of Lawang Agung, Sindang Beliti Ulu district, Rejang-lebong regency, rejang land, Bengkulu province, Indonesia. The exactly location named as "Tebing batu badak" meaning as "the rhinoceros stone cliffs". This rhino stone sites located at right side villager houses recently.
Bisa di capai dengan mudah dari jalan raya, situs megalith ini berada di pinggir jalan, di desa Lawang agung, kecamatan Sindang Beliti Ulu. Lokasinya dinamakan tebing batu badak. Batu batu ini berada tepat di samping rumah penduduk.
The stone near the Rhino stone, in folk tale Rejangese believethis is made from child of Rhino.
Batu batu dekat batu badak yang di percaya orang rejang lembak sebagai anak anak badak yang di kutuk oleh Si Pahit Lidah.
Once upon a time, bitter tongue through the region and met with a group sumatra rhinoceros, along with the child and family. The bitter tongue ask directions to the road crew are rhinoceros. But there is no answer by Sumatra rhinoceros. Bitter tongue angry and said, "Be all of you to be stone." Due his magic, all sumatra rhinoceros family, include rhino child change to be stone immeadiatly , as seen in the photo below.
Dikisahkan bahwa si pahit lidah melewati kawasan ini dan bertemu dengan segerombolan badak sumatra, beserta anak anaknya. Si pahit lidah bertanya arah jalan ke gerombolan badak yang menghalanginya. Karena tidak di jawab oleh Badak, Si pahit lidah marah dan berkata, "Jadilah kalian semuanya batu". Karena kesaktianya, badak badak sumatra itu berikut anak anaknya menjadi batu seperti yang terlihat di photo di bawah ini. (Sumber lisan : Bapak Jamal, 26-07-09)
Rhino child stone
Batu anak anak badak
Bapak Jamal dan Sekretaris desa Bapak Zairin sebagai guide utama kami.
Village Secretary (Mr. Zairin) and Mr Jamal as our main guide to this place.
Rhino stone from other side view
Batu badak tampak dari sisi lain.
This part of Rihino Stone
Ini masih termasuk batu badak
View rhino stone from front side
Tampak depan batu badak
Rhino child stone compare size with children.
Batu anak anak badak di bandingkan besarnya dengan anak manusia.
The Rhino child stone
Batu anak anak badak
The Rhino child stone
Batu anak anak badak
Related Posts : Folk Tale, History, Tourism, travel
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
Jenis Bambu Di Lebong
1. Bambu (buluak) Napea
2. Bambu (buluak) Miang (bauruk)
3. Bambu (buluak) Mufo (Baes)
4. Bambu (buluak) Tenoa
5. Bambu (buluak) Tlang (tempat air)
6. Bambu (buluak) Kemanyen (buluak lai)
7. Bambu (buluak) Se’ik
8. Bambu (buluak) Pukuo
9. Bambu (buluak) Biyes (pukua cino)
10. Bambu (buluak) Pe’ing
11. Bambu (buluak) Awai (buluak lai)
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