Megophrys nasuta (Schlegel, 1858)
Megophrys nasuta from Curup, Rejang land, Bengkulu province, Sumatera Indonesia
Known as Kekek Betanduk in Rejang Land, this frog was discribe for first time by Schlegel in year 1858. He report about distribution in Borneo, Sumatera and peninsular malaya. But recently it is rare to find in nature. In taxonomy Schlegel named this frog as Malayan Horned Frog or Megophrys nasuta as ID. Synonim with Megophrys Montana. In Rejang Land many Amphibia need to research and make check list for inventaritation, but this way nobody do yet, so need hard work to tell the world about how rich biodiversity flora and fauna in rejang land.
Megophys nasuta have specific features that are different from other types of toads. The ‘horn’ is very wide and pointed, with triangular projection from the edge of both eyelids. The hind legs are shorter than the front legs and normally males are substantially smaller than females. The colour is light clay to reddish red with one or two dark spots on the back. Using its leaf-like appearance for camouflage, the Horned Toad is virtually undetectable in the leaf litter of the forest unless it moves. The animal is perfectly designed to fit in with its surrounding.
The Horned Toad lives in flat to steep rain forest where thick bamboo grows and the area is damp and cool. It is commonly found throughout Borneo, Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia. This frog have registered at IUCN red list 2009 as LC status and can read at link. Other picture or information about this frog can read in this blog at link and link. Admin
Photo by Andy Armanda
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