By Naim Emel Prahana
Estimated village Kotagajah built around year 1929 at first be to rush by kolonis from Telukbetung-Gunungsugih to Gedongdalem and Sukadana. Because follow tongue explanation parents, like to unfolded by mbah pulse from village Sumberejo BD 43 districts Batanghari. At that time, recall mbah pulse, metro opened in the year 1932 penetrated roads from Adipuro (Trimurjo) or Kotagajah to Metro not yet there. To carry away need ingredients kolonis at metro imported from pass road Kotagajah-Gedongtataan in, Rancangpurwo and new enter Metro.
So, said grandfather Nadi, Kotagajah there [are] before bedeng (bd) 15 at Metro opened officially. Mean Kotagajah grow and bloom, because located in stripe rushes by. But, Kotagajah as definitive village meresmikan by regent KDH Lampung Tengah based on number letter of appointment 25 year 1973. The opening self done in the year 1974. Kotagajah be potential region floats middle. At first the status" village" , now year 1997 rapidly grow to be strategic city. And year 2001 turn into definitive district be woman chief of a district leadership, Dra Bahagiati.
Location kotagajah even also very strategic, present menjalur traffic intersection like fun all day long. kotagajah has vast the area 1.372 km2 consist of 18 kebayan, 74 fruit RT, 36 fruit RW and 18 LK. Until beginning 1997 citizens Kotagajah as much as 14.258 soul.
kotagajah has various tool and infrastructure. at educational found 6 bursery school, 7 Fruit sd, 1 fruit SD private, 1 SMP negeri, 6 SMP private with 2 hovels Pesantren. Also, found public service likes chief of a district office, post and gyro, kua, transmigration office and mess transmigration, puskesmas, office p3a, village meeting hall, office PU, BRI, theater, village meeting hall, with big stores. And, found a private hospital Mardi Waluyo. Medical energy house ill that private consists of 2 doctors, 1 midwife, a nurse and 6 witch-doctors.
Kotagajah has also 2 theater and at intersection five, precisely in the middle of Kotagajah with solid traffic current, stand police station sector office Kotagajah. Membidang banking has stood bebebrapa bank, among others BRI unit Kotagajah, BPR order Artha, BPR Kotaliman and BPR build self-supporting. And found 5 cooperations among others kud farmer work, kopas balak, ajb bative, kopas and koveri.
facilities other that has among others, found PDAM, telephone tool with electricity from KLP Sinar Siwo Mego centre at Kotagajah. As potential city bloom fast here also there [are] 4 restaurant each rm healthy RM Ma'il, RM field. Kotagajah more time more bloom to so city. Terminal conditon to various direction likes direction Labuhanmeringgai, Menggala, Bandarjaya, Kotabumi, Bandarlampung, Raman north, Gayabaru and Metro.
Follow village head Bus in the year 1997 Kotagajah has 10 rice rice mill factories (huller) and bebebrapa factory berstatus household industry industrial. Market Kotagajah every the day enough crowded, because purchase at market Kotagajah every household industry the day. Market Kotagajah every day enough crowded, because the purchase at market Kotagajah come from various vinicity region. Traffic smoothness passes Kotagajah supported by good road condition and augmenting with sppbu (pom petrol).
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